Nursing leadership based on emotional intelligence is potential to improve\nnurse�s caring behavior in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to find\nout the effectiveness of nursing leadership based on emotional intelligence of\nthe head nurse and its effect to the caring behavior of the associate nurses. The\nstudy occupied quasi experimental design with control group time series in\ntwo of General Hospital with equal management system in Pekalongan Regency,\nCentral Java, Indonesia. The nurses of hospital A declared that they\nwere ready to have training while hospital B nurses were not thus they were\ntreated as the control group. Proportional random sampling technique was\nused for the in-patients department nurses of both hospitals with 44 participants\nfrom each. The statistical analysis used general linear model of repeated\nANOVA to find out the difference of caring behavior on the intervention\ngroup and the control group and to gain the difference caring behavior on\neach measurement as well as to know the effect of their age and length of\nworking on associate nurse�s caring behavior. The result of this study showed\nthe score of the associate nurse�s caring behavior on intervention group was\nhigher than the control group with the P value = 0.020. The increase of the\nscore of associate nurse�s caring behavior on intervention group was significant\nwith the mean before and after the intervention were 135.5 and 142.1 respectively,\nwith the P value = 0.003. There was significant effects of the nursing\nleadership based on the emotional intelligent with the associate nurse�s\ncaring behavior. The nursing leadership based on emotional intelligent was\neffective to improve associate nurse�s caring behavior hence it is recommended\nto give the training for the implementation.